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Lose 5 kg weight in just three days by following the military diet plan.

Popular military diet plan, Modern Military Diet Plan, Three-day crush diet, Military diet chart.Lose 5 kg weight in just three days by following the military diet plan.

Military diet plan.

Many people want to know how to lose 5 kg weight in a week. The name of the diet plan that I will talk about today is Military Diet Plan. This is very strict diet training. Those who have a problem with weight can try it once or twice. But remember, all the weight lost will come back very quickly if you go back to the previous lifestyle. Therefore, if you want to get good results, try to leave out extra sugar, salt, oil, spices and cold drinks in your diet.

Let's find out about the Military Diet Plan:

This diet plan has been popular all over the world since 1971. Due to the impossibility of popularity, many diet plans like this can be seen nowadays. There will be a total of three days’ food plans (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Nothing else can be eaten in these three days outside of this plan.


Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a military diet plan. Especially those who have low or high blood pressure or have gastric or acidity problems.
Take a break after three days. Do not stay on this diet for more than three consecutive days. If you want, start again with a break of 4 days.

If you feel tired or dizzy while planning a military diet, skip the diet immediately.
Do not take any supplements/vitamins during the diet.Do not do this if the treatment of any disease continues.

 First day:


01. An orange
02.One slice toast
03. Two tablespoons butter
04. One mug of coffee/tea / green tea without sugar


01. Half a cup/piece of fish cooked with a little salt is oily fish like pangas, not ayr.
02. One slice toast
03. One mug of coffee/tea / green tea without sugar


01. Grilled chicken breast with a little oil and salt
02. Boil half a cup of Barbati / one teaspoon bean with light salt and black pepper, if you want you can give chicken stock. If you do not drink beans, you can eat half a cup of pulses cooked with less salt.
03. Half a banana / a cup of papaya
04. A small apple
05. One tablespoon vanilla ice cream

2nd Day :


01. A boiled egg
02. One slice toast
03. Half a banana / a cup of papaya


01. A boiled egg
02. One slice/half cup of sour yogurt
03. 5 Diabetic Crackers


01. You can eat 2 pieces of grilled chicken breast.
02. Boil broccoli/cauliflower/cabbage / half a cup of carrots or beets cooked in a cup of salt, pepper and chicken stock.
03. Half a banana / a cup of papaya
04. One tablespoon vanilla ice cream

Third day:


01. 5 Diabetic Crackers
02. One slice of Dhakai Cheese (half a cm thick) / half a cup of sour curd
03. A small apple
04. One mug of coffee/tea / green tea without sugar


01. A boiled egg
02. One slice toast
03. One slice / half cup of sour yogurt


01. Half a cup / piece of fish cooked with a little salt is oily fish like pangas, not ayr.
02. A banana half / a small Sabri banana / a cup of papaya
03. One cup of vanilla ice cream
How the Military Diet Plan Works?
The Military Diet Plan claims that this diet increases your metabolism. Protein Rich This diet gives you energy and accelerates fat loss. You have to stay on this diet for three days in a row and if you do not get the desired results, then go back to the diet with a gap of 4 days at the end of the three-day plan.

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