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What to do if you have head, neck and stomach pain during house arrest.

Lockdown is underway around the world to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Following this, everyone is under house arrest. At this time of house arrest, many people are spending their time lying down. Then there is pain in the head, throat and stomach.

Head  pain

Many times the pain does not decrease even after taking medicine. However, there are some home remedies that can easily get rid of these pains.

Things to do to reduce sore throat:

Gargle in saltwater: Gargle with salt in lukewarm water three times a day will reduce sore throat. And swallowing saltwater while gargling can cause stomach problems. So refrain from eating saltwater.

Take hot steam: you can feel hot water in cold-cough, sore throat. Boil water in a bowl. Now put your face on the boiling water and cover it with a towel. Now take a deep breath. Hot steam will penetrate and melt the frozen cold.

Pineapple: If you have a sore throat, you can try a few pieces of pineapple. Will benefit.

What to do to reduce stomach pain:

Ginger tea: You can make ginger tea by crushing a piece of peeled ginger. Ginger juice also reduces sore throat and digestive problems.
Cinnamon tea: Cinnamon tea is very useful in a stomach ache. You can drink this tea to reduce stomach pain at home.

Pepper-Mint Tea: Boiled with pepper and mint tea, it reduces stomach ache quickly.

Things to do to reduce headaches:

Lavender Oil: To reduce headaches, you can boil lavender leaves in water and make tea. In addition, applying lavender oil on the forehead reduces pain. You can mix lavender oil in water while taking vapor.

Ice: Rub a piece of ice on the forehead with a towel or handkerchief. Headaches will gradually decrease.

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