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How to Avoid Masturbation

How to Avoid Masturbation, What is Masturbation, Masturbation Side Effects, Let's find out how to stop Masturbating.


1. Do not punish yourself

A.         Always remember, you are a human being. And people have sexual needs. Masturbation doesn't make you a bad person. Learn to forgive yourself for mistakes. Remember, you are always worth more than these mistakes.

B.         Do not sink into despair. It will force you to masturbate more.

2. Remove anything that helps you masturbate:

A.         Destroy porn graphic accessories. Delete all such files.

B.         Discard the sex toy (if any)

C.         Avoid doing anything during the bath that will encourage you to do it.

D.         Do not touch the penis when aroused.

E.         Exercise for a while if there is too much excitement. The tension will go away.

F.         Keep yourself busy. As the saying goes, the lazy brain is the devil's factory.

G.         Don't suffer from loneliness. It encourages masturbation. Spend significant time with family and friends.

H.         Give your sexual partner time (if any)

I.          Don't sleep, actually take sleeping pills. Do not masturbate to fall asleep.

3. Find something other than masturbation to expend your energy non-time:

A.         Be creative: Learning to write, draw, play musical instruments can play a good role in preventing masturbation.

B.         Sports: Run, swim, play football, cricket, hockey, badminton, tennis. Avoid laziness.

C.         Eat healthy food. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

D.         Create some new hobbies. Learning something new will always keep your mind away from masturbation

E.         Volunteer in a good social organization. Spend your energy on good deeds.

4. Be patient and patient: Mark the calendar for how long you may not have masturbated. Reward yourself. Tell yourself, if I can stay for so long, I will eat it or buy it.

5. Find out when you need help from others

A.         Discuss this with your religious leaders, and try to follow their instructions.

B.         If all else fails, get the advice of a psychologist.

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