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The Reason for Being Over Weight:

The Reason for Being Over Weight:

Being overweight is not just about eating too much, it is also a disease. People become obese if they do not use the amount of energy stored in the body due to overeating. However, many people are getting fat by eating less.

There are some common causes of obesity, but only a few are based on science.

1. Excessive eating especially taking more than high calorie food needs.

2. Living a comfortable life means eating and sitting and watching television, not doing direct physical activity, playing computer games for long periods of time, not walking or using unnecessary cars or rickshaws, etc.

3. Some hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism, Cunning's syndrome, etc.

4. Congenital or genetic factors i.e. inherited from parents

5. For example, 33% of obese people are infected with the Aden virus.

6. Metabolism means digestive and processing difficulties in food and in the body. This means that even if two people of the same age and the same weight are fed the same amount of food, it may be normal for one and fat for the other.

Measure Obesity:

Take your exact height in meters and weigh in kg. Then index your BMI or body mass in the written equation: BMI = weight (kg) / (height) 2. If your BMI is 18.5 to 25, then you have a normal weight. If the BMI is 25.1 to 30, you will be overweight. If the BMI is 30.1 to 35 then you are obsessive and if it goes above 35.1 then you have morbid obsessive. We call these three stages as excess weight. Waist and hip measurements can also be taken to measure obesity. If a man's waist circumference is 102 cm. Is above and if the waist circumference of a woman is 6 cm. On top of that, however, they can also be thrown into the abyss stage.
Statistics show that an overweight person dies at least 15 years earlier than a normal weight person. Obesity can cause a variety of serious diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, bleeding in the brain, sleep apnea, kidney and spinal pain and lipid-borne diseases.

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