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Modern methods of Removing body Odor.

How is sweating?

Sweat originates from two types of glands on the skin of the body. The apocrine gland produces the sweat that is produced as a result of exercise.

This sweat has no odor and it cools our body.

Another is the apocrine gland. Whose presence is around the armpits and genitals.

Where there is unwanted hair. The sweat that originates from here contains a special type of protein.

Although it is odorless, it is converted to odor due to bacteria.

Very little is known about the deadly power of these bacteria. Those who use that protein in their work.

Body odor is such a problem that even if he doesn't notice the problem, the person next to him does. Using perfume or DO may be a temporary solution to the problem but it does not bring much benefit. Sweat and lack of hygiene usually cause bad breath. However, in many cases, this problem can be caused by various physical problems.

If you want to get rid of body odor, you must first know the cause of the problem. We need to know the reason. If the problem is caused by a lack of hygiene or sweating, then it is relatively easy to cure. But if such a problem occurs due to physical reasons, its remedy is somewhat time-consuming. In that case, it is also necessary to control the physical problem.

Remedy for body odor
The main reason is the lack of sweat and hygiene. Our body excretes excess water and some minerals as sweat to control the temperature. This sweat but actually odorless. After reaching the upper layer of the skin, it mixes with different bacteria which causes bad smell in sweat. Although the amount of sweating varies from person to person, there is no way to stop sweating. In this case, hygiene is as important as care.

Proper hygiene is the main weapon to reduce the stench of sweat. Use soap or body wash every day during the bath and scrub the whole body well with the help of a loofah. The chances of bad breath will decrease. Sweat mainly accumulates in the underarms, back of the ears, waist, neck, knees and elbows. So take special care to clean this part. If possible, you can mix the essential oil of your choice in the bathwater. If you do not have essential oil at home, you will benefit by mixing lemon juice and a little baking soda and taking a bath in that water. Many people suffer from bad breath due to excess sweat in the underarms. The main reason is the bacteria. Underarm, regular shaving or waxing can prevent bacteria from accumulating in that area. As a result, there is no stench. T-tree oil is also very good for reducing odor. Mix a few drops of T-tree oil in the bathwater and take a bath with that water. Will benefit. For those who have more problems, mix two drops of T-Tree Oil with a little water and use it directly on the underarms.

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