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Trying to Increase the Weight of the Baby is a Wrong Attempt

A big concern of mothers is that their baby's health is not good enough and he is not eating enough. That's why you try to feed the children as much as possible. But it is extremely harmful. Mothers do things that should not be done to improve the health of their children.

Baby Eating


Many people think that feeding ghee will increase the weight of the child in the right way. It takes a long time for a baby to digest a spoonful of ghee. And having ghee in all the food of the child means that the child cannot digest that food quickly and as a result, he gets less hunger. As a result, the amount of food is reduced. Therefore, it is better not to give ghee-containing food to the child.


Feeding baby plenty of carbohydrates and starch will help him gain weight easily, but too many carbohydrates and starch can cause constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. The baby should not be fed any kind of food in excess. Cheese, butter, bread, rice, etc. can be fed to the baby but in small quantities.


Feeding a child fried food at home means that he will gain weight, so instead of boiled or roasted food, he tries to fry everything so that the child gains weight; But as a result, the child begins to experience various physical difficulties and discomfort.

Forced feeding:

Mothers often want to feed their children more or force them to eat. People do not understand the amount of food they eat, but the problem is that as a result of forced feeding, children do not understand their own body needs and hunger. So the food starts to swallow. If you force-feed, you will not gain weight any day.

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