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Some unknown facts about Sex that Everyone Needs to know.

All kinds of sex in men and women sex life, all kinds of sexual problems, how to have sex, how to ejaculate semen, how to increase arousal in women, how to have sex for a long

Sexy Girl

time, how to find pleasure in sex at any age.

13 Unknown facts about sex.

1. When a couple kisses each other, they exchange 10 million and 1 million bacteria with each other - cold, glandular fever, hepatitis B, herpes.

2. On average, a man between the ages of 20 and 60 spends 600 hours behind the scenes having sex spends.

3. Sexual milking is a kind of good exercise. About 360 calories are burned in one hour.

4. A former porn star at the age of 22 with 60 people in 10 hours. He broke the record by having sex about 251 times.

5. Sex addiction is among those who suffer from extra work stress, anxiety and depression
Is more.

6. On average, an adult thinks about sex once every seven seconds Does.

7. One teaspoon of semen - 300 million sperm, zinc and calcium, tooth decay Prevents and contains seven calories.

8. The speed of ejaculation is about 26 miles per hour.

9. Male orgasm can last up to about 7 seconds.

10. At the age of 32, the clitoris of women increases almost fourfold from puberty.

11. When women are aroused, their breasts can be about 25% wider.

12. Women can also have nightmares.

13. Women's orgasms can last up to about 20 seconds.

Click here to know more Sexual tips.

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