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I want to have children; how many times it is important to have Intercourse.

After marriage, children will come to the family, this is the rule. Everyone wants it to come in a planned way. But in many marriages, things do not go as planned.


Some people do not want children but become proud without knowing it. Again, many spend more years than children but do not see Sonamuni's face.

Age, diet, lifestyle depend a lot on having children. Many get married at an older age. They cannot be the parents of the expected child.

Many people have been married for only one month. Their complaint is that the daughter-in-law cannot be the mother of the child and then they reply to me that it does not take even a month for the pregnancy. One day is enough. In fact, this idea is wrong.

What we recommend is that you, husband and wife, stay together for a whole year. But it is seen that the husband lives in Chittagong and the wife lives in Dhaka. The husband comes one day a week. In this case, how to have a child?

Husband and wife have to stay together for a whole year if they want to have children. Meet at least three to four times a week.

If the child still does not come in the womb, then contact the doctor. But if that happens, the husband has gone abroad within a month of the marriage.

If the girl comes at the age of one year and says why I am not a mother, then how will it be? In the context of our country, we now ask girls to get married after 20 and boys after 22. In the case of girls after marriage, if the first child is between the ages of 30 or 32, it is a safe pregnancy.

There is no age limit on when men will become fathers. A man can give birth even in old age. However, in the case of girls, it is better to have the first child at the age of 30. Remember, being a mother after the age of 35 is risky.

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